• 05
  • January

10 timeless techniques to make your marketing do more

Marketing—especially in the competitive world of B2B tech—is tough. It’s all too easy to get caught up in day-to-day noise, to repeat patterns that are proven to be ineffective, and to look for quick fixes (the addictive Ts: tips, tricks, and technologies). But it’s much more effective (and honestly not as difficult as you might fear) to instead adopt different ways of […]

  • 05
  • January

20 Questions Every B2B Marketer Should Ask, Heading into 2020

With 2020 upon us, let’s give ourselves (as marketers) the best chance to succeed in “the year of perfect vision.” To inform our activities—to make sure we’re doing the right things—here are 20 marketing (and related) questions we should ask before we get going on anything else. It is not the answer that enlightens, but the question. Eugene Ionesco Setting the Stage […]

Title slide: "Selling Technical Solutions in a World that Doesn't Understand—a Brooks/Trushinski Joint"
  • 27
  • June

Selling Technical Solutions in a World that Doesn’t Understand

Technical marketing is hard.

Just having a great solution—even the best solution—isn’t sufficient. And the news gets worse: it’s hard for many reasons, so there’s no quick fix.

But the good news is that there are proven strategies that can increase your chances of success.

This post explains some of those strategies.

  • 03
  • May

Helping PLC Fire Safety Solutions to Cast a Wider and Deeper Net

As a full-service fire protection engineering firm, the breadth of our diverse service offerings—along with their technical complexities—can be challenging to grasp and convey. We now have an amazing Services Guide and Sector Sheets that not only clearly communicate to our customers but also provide a consistent message. We highly recommend Cromulent. Mohit Gogna—Marketing Manager Since 1983, PLC Fire Safety Solutions has […]

  • 17
  • April

Crommunity Podcast | Episode 2019-03 | Heather Galt

“Canadians in general need to feel like they can be successful at scale. I think we need to have some courage. We also need to recognize our value, and that I think is where sustainable scale will come from.” Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s visit to Kitchener wasn’t the only big thing happening in Waterloo Region on Tuesday; as most people were heading […]

  • 11
  • March

Crommunity Podcast | Episode 2019-02 | Lee Brooks (Founder, Cromulent Marketing)

“Something as complex as a whitepaper or a technical showcase marketing document might take you 20 hours to produce. And people are like, ‘I don’t have 20 hours right now, everyone’s really busy.’ Over the next quarter, your CTO might be on 50 hours’ worth of calls…it’s a no-brainer in terms of an asymmetric investment in your business: it helps everything scale.” […]

  • 27
  • February

Battling Against Buying Barriers

As you build out content following a real strategy, you’ll create a comprehensive library to combat buying barriers and other challenges. Elsewhere, I’ve written about buying barriers and why overcoming them is important for your business. In this post, I’ll share an example from the real world that shows some ways in which you can combat buying barriers. After we’d helped to […]

  • 13
  • February

Waterloo Region Technology Marketing Spotlight

Welcome! And thanks for taking an interest in this project! I hope you learn as much from reading this report as I did preparing it. As I said at the outset, my aim is to produce a report that provides us all—the technology marketers and company leaders of the Waterloo Region, and perhaps beyond—with common understanding of shared issues, priorities, challenges, concerns, […]

  • 03
  • December

How to Boost Your Business by Overcoming Buying Barriers

The good news is that investing just a little bit of time and effort to understand and address real-world buying barriers delivers wonderfully asymmetric returns, because doing so empowers you to develop high-impact messaging, effective content, and efficient sales processes. In practically all of our client engagements, I ask about ‘buying barriers’. Most times, I receive a quizzical expression in response; occasionally, I’ll hear […]