• 10
  • January

In conversation with… Harneet Singh

Harneet Singh heads the marketing department at Aterlo Networks, the builders of Preseem—a quality of experience monitoring and optimization tool for wireless ISPs. Harneet and I met a few years ago at a Communitech Peer-to-Peer session and I’ve kind’ve watched from afar as Aterlo sunset their first product (NightShift) and have now attained new heights thanks to excellent product-market fit and effective […]

Crommunity Round-Up: Exploring the marketing activities ofKitchener-Waterloo's technology companies
  • 01
  • November

Crommunity Round-Up: October 2020

October’s in the books, and now all those “I loooove faaaaall!” people can fess up and admit that all they really love is the last week of September, the first few weeks of October, and the (very) occasional non-cold and non-rainy day in November. But I digress, let’s see what’s been going on in the KW tech marketing scene, shall we? Need […]

  • 17
  • April

Crommunity Podcast | Episode 2019-03 | Heather Galt

“Canadians in general need to feel like they can be successful at scale. I think we need to have some courage. We also need to recognize our value, and that I think is where sustainable scale will come from.” Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s visit to Kitchener wasn’t the only big thing happening in Waterloo Region on Tuesday; as most people were heading […]

  • 21
  • January

Crommunity Podcast | Episode 2019-01 | Jacqui Murphy (CMO, Auvik Networks) | Part I

“So often we don’t tell the stories about the places that we’re from. Everyone knows the legendary stories about how Apple started, and how HP started, and how Microsoft started, but they often don’t know the stories of companies in their own backyard, and the impact that they’ve had on the community.” On a recent snowy Friday, I had the pleasure of […]

  • 06
  • December

Growth Marketing in a Technical Market

Your customers are looking for solutions to problems, they’re not Googling for your product or technology. Talking about solutions and problems helps you get discovered, and makes your message stronger by relating to an acute pain point; done right, this approach earns you the product and technology conversations that come later. The last Communitech Marketing P2P of the year took a Lightning […]

  • 27
  • November

The Ad is Dead; Long Live the Community

In a very tactics-obsessed industry and environment, Alex advocates for a strategic approach to longer-term success that, in all likelihood, will take time to develop; however, when presented against the backdrop of the unsustainability of digital advertising, it seems a prudent, logical course of action. The last Communitech Marketing P2P of the year took a Lightning Talk format that featured two guest […]

  • 18
  • October

Talkin’ About Technical Communication

As foreshadowed previously, last night I had the pleasure of speaking at the Technical Communication P2P group down at Communitech. A dozen or so folks braved the wintery (!) conditions to hear me go through a presentation with the intriguingly bland and broad title, How Tech Communicators Can Help Businesses (you can find a PDF version of the slides at the bottom of this […]

  • 03
  • October

Cromulent Live! October 17th in Kitchener

Update: you can read about the session in Talkin’ About Technical Communication. — On Wednesday, October 17th, I’ll be presenting at Communitech’s Technical Communication Peer-to-Peer group. Here’s the blurb: Solving a Business’ Tech Comms Needs For a number of reasons, technology companies often struggle to articulate their value to their range of audiences (e.g., prospective customers, employees, investors, partners, analysts, etc). In this […]