Title slide: "Selling Technical Solutions in a World that Doesn't Understand—a Brooks/Trushinski Joint"
  • 27
  • June

Selling Technical Solutions in a World that Doesn’t Understand

Technical marketing is hard.

Just having a great solution—even the best solution—isn’t sufficient. And the news gets worse: it’s hard for many reasons, so there’s no quick fix.

But the good news is that there are proven strategies that can increase your chances of success.

This post explains some of those strategies.

  • 11
  • April

Most tech companies make this fundamental messaging error—does yours?

By talking about things other than tech, you’ll earn yourself far more opportunities to talk about your technology, but at the right time and with the right people. I’m gonna start this post with a provocative statement: almost 60% of ‘tech companies’ in the Waterloo Region don’t understand what market they’re really in. And that’s a problem. In fact, it might be […]

  • 11
  • March

Crommunity Podcast | Episode 2019-02 | Lee Brooks (Founder, Cromulent Marketing)

“Something as complex as a whitepaper or a technical showcase marketing document might take you 20 hours to produce. And people are like, ‘I don’t have 20 hours right now, everyone’s really busy.’ Over the next quarter, your CTO might be on 50 hours’ worth of calls…it’s a no-brainer in terms of an asymmetric investment in your business: it helps everything scale.” […]

  • 13
  • February

Waterloo Region Technology Marketing Spotlight

Welcome! And thanks for taking an interest in this project! I hope you learn as much from reading this report as I did preparing it. As I said at the outset, my aim is to produce a report that provides us all—the technology marketers and company leaders of the Waterloo Region, and perhaps beyond—with common understanding of shared issues, priorities, challenges, concerns, […]

  • 13
  • February

Waterloo Region Record covers our report

Some fun news to share: the Waterloo Region Record featured an article about our recent research project. The article really focuses on the snippet of research I showed in Growing Pains: that tech companies in Kitchener, Cambridge, Waterloo, and the surrounding region, seem to hit a series of growth plateaus that slow their scaling. Terry (the article’s author, who covers technology-related stories […]

  • 12
  • February

Announcing the Waterloo Region Technology Marketing Spotlight!

By combining a top-down study of publicly available company information with a bottom-up survey of technology marketers, we just might have conducted the most comprehensive study, ever, of the Waterloo Region tech scene. I’m excited to announce the release of The Waterloo Region Technology Marketing Spotlight: an examination of the Waterloo Region tech scene, with a particular focus on technology marketing. As I […]