• 06
  • December

Growth Marketing in a Technical Market

Your customers are looking for solutions to problems, they’re not Googling for your product or technology. Talking about solutions and problems helps you get discovered, and makes your message stronger by relating to an acute pain point; done right, this approach earns you the product and technology conversations that come later. The last Communitech Marketing P2P of the year took a Lightning […]

  • 27
  • November

The Ad is Dead; Long Live the Community

In a very tactics-obsessed industry and environment, Alex advocates for a strategic approach to longer-term success that, in all likelihood, will take time to develop; however, when presented against the backdrop of the unsustainability of digital advertising, it seems a prudent, logical course of action. The last Communitech Marketing P2P of the year took a Lightning Talk format that featured two guest […]