Close-up of the top of SSIMWAVE's "Measure the Viewer Experience" use case library infosheet
  • 30
  • June

How SSIMWAVE made their value crystal clear with a use case library

I recently wrote about how many tech companies struggle to turn awareness into demand because of an unclear value proposition. A very useful approach to solving this problem is to create a library of use cases, with each use case showing—very clearly and in language your prospects recognize and relate to—how whatever it is that you sell solves a business problem. And […]

Follow these simple marketing hacks and your numbers can go down just like this neon arrow!
  • 29
  • June

5 fun and simple marketing hacks to decrease your effectiveness

Marketing hacks are not like gold: they’re everywhere and largely worthless. Just now I did a Google search for “marketing hacks” and got 69 million results. Just a few weeks ago I read this list of 20 growth marketing hacks and was gobsmacked by such gems as “define your ideal customer” and “go where your customers are” (I mean, it does kinda […]

Railway platform sign showing "2"; representing two messaging mistakes which harm demand generation activities
  • 19
  • March

Two messaging mistakes which prevent awareness from generating demand

Lots of companies (and the agencies they hire) are great at public relations: through good planning and diligent execution, their executives speak at conferences, their technology wins awards, and people in the industry recognize their name. They have succeeded in creating awareness. But that’s not the same thing as succeeding with demand generation. They’ve generated a golf clap, and nothing more. Unfortunately, […]

  • 10
  • February

Bridging a Gap

“Inside-out thinking is the biggest barrier to success. Outside-in thinking is the best aid.” – Al Ries & Jack Trout, in Positioning Well-developed solution and use case messaging speak the market’s language and appeal to prospects’ desire to solve problems. In this post, I walk through a real-world example of how we developed a full solution and use case library for a client—Bridgit—from […]