Railway platform sign showing "2"; representing two messaging mistakes which harm demand generation activities
  • 19
  • March

Two messaging mistakes which prevent awareness from generating demand

Lots of companies (and the agencies they hire) are great at public relations: through good planning and diligent execution, their executives speak at conferences, their technology wins awards, and people in the industry recognize their name. They have succeeded in creating awareness. But that’s not the same thing as succeeding with demand generation. They’ve generated a golf clap, and nothing more. Unfortunately, […]

  • 22
  • March

An Oral History of Miovision’s “Clear Signals” Campaign and eBook

“My question to marketers and organizations is: do you have a topic you want to talk to the industry about? Or does the industry have a topic they want to learn about? You need to start from the right place to be relevant. An eBook was just the appropriate medium. We didn’t start with, ‘We need an eBook!’ It was about creating […]