• 12
  • October

Crommunity Podcast, Episode 1: Matt Trushinski (Miovision)

I’m pleased to deliver the first episode of the new Crommunity Podcast, by Cromulent Marketing! We kick off this exciting series with none other than Matt Trushinski, the Director, Marketing at Miovision.

Matt and I originally got together for a Q&A-style interview, which I intended to record and subsequently type up into a blog post, but a few minutes in we just decided on-the-fly to turn it into a podcast. Then, a half hour later, I realized I hadn’t actually been recording, and we started again…because that’s how we roll. Agile!

Then, a half hour later, I realized I hadn’t actually been recording, and we started again…because that’s how we roll.

One consequence of this spontaneous inception is that we didn’t really take measures to ensure a great audio set-up; I cleaned it up a bunch (thank you, random Internet folks who took the time to post Audacity tutorials), but it’s not perfect and you can expect better audio in future episodes.

In our meandering chat, we touch on a number of subjects, including:

  • How Matt got into marketing, and the path that led to his current position
  • The importance of solution messaging, speaking your customers’ language, and anticipating buying barriers
  • Miovision’s extremely successful World’s Smartest Intersection project/program
  • Digital marketing and attribution models
  • Some specific challenges facing B2B tech companies
  • …and the inglorious reason why Matt’s blossoming career as a television broadcaster came to an early end

I’m biased of course, but if you’re in B2B tech then I think it’s worth a listen! Some might even say that it’d be a foolish oversight on your part not to listen.

(for those who want to queue it up for future listening, here’s the mp3)

And, so you can put a face to the wisdom and experience, here’s a picture of younger-Matt (pretending to be hard at work at an unreasonably clean desk) extracted from a Sandvine corporate video.

Header/Featured photo credit: Matt Botsford on Unsplash