• 19
  • November

Facts, Factoids, and the Most Over-Cited Statistic in B2B

“People can come up with statistics to prove anything. Forfty percent of people know that.”—H. J. Simpson If you’re even remotely involved with B2B marketing, then you’ve almost certainly seen the oft-cited B2B statistic that 60 percent of a customer’s buying decision is made before you even learn they’re interested. It shows up everywhere…I’ve personally come across it in at least half […]

  • 15
  • November

A Different Model of the Customer Experience Journey, and What it Means for Marketers

It is not your customer’s job to buy from you. It is your job to find out what would make for an exceptional experience from their point of view, and invite them into it. – David Nour Recently, I finished reading Co-Create, by David Nour, and perhaps my biggest take-away was his model for the Customer Experience Journey. TL;DR At the very […]