For RouteThis, new messaging was just the beginning
With a proven track record of delivering results for smart home brands, small- and mid-market ISPs, and innovative large ISPs, RouteThis had already shown that they can improve the customer support experience for everyone.
So why did they reach out to Cromulent for assistance with messaging?
Graduating into a new world
As the world’s leading ISPs showed interest, RouteThis’ leaders understood that their engagement model needed to evolve. Selling to a large ISP means grappling with very long, very complex buying cycles. These cycles involve many people, across multiple departments, asking very detailed questions (functional and non-functional). Needless to say, this buying process also takes a long time and many conversations.
As part of their scaling and evolution as a company, RouteThis wanted to update their website, messaging, and content. The overarching goals were to drive new leads and enable more prospect self-service.
Messaging is the foundation
What started as a straightforward Messaging Guide project quickly grew in scope. The messaging—even as it was still evolving—was used as a foundation for a complete website redesign. And as part of that project, RouteThis completely modernized their visual style.
In parallel, RouteThis’ added new solution capabilities which extended their value proposition significantly. Accordingly, we also updated the foundational positioning to better represent the larger, more compelling value proposition RouteThis now offered.
We also helped incorporate the messaging into new sales and marketing presentations, suggested how best to visually represent things like the solution architecture and the market evolution, and consulted on website content.
These changes resulted in a triple-digit percentage increase in inbound leads, immediately satisfying one of the major project goals.

Clarity, correctness, and consistency
Next, RouteThis needed an ISP-focused infosheet to quickly convey their value proposition and to provide a solution overview.
This type of content is invaluable as a means of ensuring important messages are communicated clearly, correctly, and consistently. You can send it over before a meeting, or make it a freely downloadable resource. You want it in the hands of your champions, so they can spread the word about your solution. Remember, in a complex buying process there are dozens of meetings, and you’re rarely in the room.
The challenge with this type of project is to balance telling a story which shows you understand the customer’s problems and including enough important information to differentiate your offering, while avoiding overwhelming the reader and negatively impacting their retention.
From a messaging standpoint, we mainly just had to pick and choose which elements made the cut. Then, to ensure a consistent look and feel across media and content, we simply re-used visual elements from the website.
The result is a clear, straightforward infosheet which leaves no doubt about RouteThis’ compelling and unique value for ISPs.